Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Web Page Title Topic: Teacher Development

In order to complete my assignment, I had the opportunity to evaluate and see the pros and cons of using information to assist educators while using technology. The webpage I evaluated was http://www.edutopia.org/teacher-development. There are some things once must take into account in order to truly rely on a webpage. The navigation and design of this page was easy and clearly label. It was very easy to navigate through it since it has big font with different color and well organized. The title of the page was: The why, what, and how of effective teacher development. The purpose of this page was clearly established as you can read articles and discuss with others about the topic. The information posted on this site was up to date and could be confirmed with the works cited on it. One of the most helpful things about his website is the access to other websites that are hyperlinked to be able to see other sources. The use of vocabulary is at a professional level, but easily understandable. I can use the information on this page for school and work as well. It really addresses topics that I would like to research and that relate to my field of work. The website is liable and they have posted the author's name. It is easy to contact the website if ever needed. Overall I recommend everyone to take a look at it and give their opinion on it.